Wednesday, June 26, 2013

America's Great Depression

Mark Thornton suggested "America's Great Depression" as one of the best sources to read for pursuing your question, I have linked it on the right and am loading it onto my Ipod to read in the next couple weeks.

Mr. Thorton is also talking to some grad students about joining in out conversations.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Drowning in a Liquidity Trap? - Frank Shostak - Mises Daily

This is a little off topic, but does bring good analysis to the fed's money printing/interest rate manipulation.

Drowning in a Liquidity Trap? - Frank Shostak - Mises Daily

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Two Interesting Graphs

So here are the graphs, sorry they look pretty weird, Microsoft office makes weird graphs. And if it is not clear: the first graph is (change in) Federal Fund Rate and ( change in )Investment. The other is Federal Fund Rate and Savings. Both graphs have two data points per year. The First graph goes back to 1947, the second goes to 1980.

Mises University

I had to post this somewhere and I thought this was a good place.